Wiggle Room | Week 3

by Jul 7, 2022Now Matters, Wiggle Room1 comment

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In the Old Testament, Joseph found wiggle room beyond the pit where his brothers cast him. The Bible doesn’t give us a lot of details concerning how Joseph maneuvered his way through the betrayal of his brothers, the lies of Potiphar’s wife or the forgetfulness of his prison roommates. But in all of these we see clearly his capacity to forgive those who did him wrong. Forgiving those who offend us gives us wiggle room to walk beyond offense. But forgiveness also gives God Wiggle Room to promote us to levels of opportunities beyond our wildest imagination. As Governor of Egypt, Joseph’s childhood dream of ruling came true. But it was his lifestyle of forgiveness that kept him on track. Forgiveness was his go-to default in life. God honored Joseph for it.

A friend of mine served 11 years of a 44-year sentence for crimes she didn’t commit. Forgiveness comes with a price. Her innocence kept her sane in solitary confinement. Joseph’s story was one of her prison favorites. Wiggle Room is an offering we give to God even when our life’s unfair. Living sacrifices live their story as an open book for God to write on as He chooses.

My innocent friend went into prison at the age of 21 and came out at age 32. She lived a measure of contentment and prolonged patience that leaves me speechless. To some degree her life mirrors Joseph’s. 

Joseph came out of prison’s confinement with his character in tact. He gave God unmeasurable wiggle room to refine his character. He lived as a living sacrifice because he never let go of the dream God gave him as a youth. 

Paul wrote to the Roman Christians and encouraged them to have a joyful confidence when life gets shaky. 

But that’s not all! Even in times of trouble we have a joyful confidence, knowing that our pressures will develop in us patience endurance.  And patient endurance will refine our character, and proven character leads us back to hope. And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us.      Romans 5:3-5 Passion Bible Translation

1 Comment

  1. of course, this came at the perfect times for me! I admire your friend being wrongfully imprisoned. What an amazing testimony! Still enjoying your posts!

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