Now Matters

The Man Before Us | Week 5

The man in the mirror was young and impulsive. If things got quiet, he would blurt out what everyone else was thinking but were too afraid to speak out. There was this one day that changed...

Breaking Rank


Transitions | Week 5

Transitions | Week 5

“Let His mindset become your motivation” Philippians 2:5b TD Jakes challenged readers in his book “Instincts” to: “Always connect with those who...

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Transitions | Week 4

Transitions | Week 4

“People who think us weak will offer us an excuse. People who respect us will offer us a challenge”. Eric Greitens This is one of my favourite...

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Transitions | Week 3

Transitions | Week 3

Transitions often leave us feeling “scattered” and that’s normal. The Apostle Paul often focused on transitioning believers by establishing them in...

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Facing Tomorrow

Facing Tomorrow | Part 4

Facing Tomorrow | Part 4


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Facing Tomorrow | Part 3

Facing Tomorrow | Part 3

Conversation between Moses and God:God: “My Presence will go with you and I will give you rest.” Moses: “If your Presence does not go with us, do...

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Facing Tomorrow | Part 2

Facing Tomorrow | Part 2

BY FAITH WE HAVE PEACE Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Romans 5:1 And...

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Lordship Habits

Making Disciples, Part Five

Making Disciples, Part Five

 DISCIPLESHIP LESSONS FROM THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER  Jesus taught parables to “outsiders” but He explained them to “insiders”! His disciples were...

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Making Disciples, Part Four

Making Disciples, Part Four

“The quality of our lives often depends on the quality of our habits” James Clear Making disciples must become habit. This requires a healthy...

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Making Disciples, Part Three

Making Disciples, Part Three

“The quality of our lives often depends on the quality of our habits” James Clear Over the last two weeks we focused on two of three qualities Jesus...

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The Man Before Us

The Man Before Us | Week 5

The Man Before Us | Week 5

The man in the mirror was young and impulsive. If things got quiet, he would blurt out what everyone else was thinking but were too afraid to speak...

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The Man Before Us | Week 4

The Man Before Us | Week 4

She had been kicked to the curb more times than she could remember. The religious zealots threw her at the feet of Jesus. They had caught their prey...

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The Man Before Us | Week 3

The Man Before Us | Week 3

The man before us cried out for mercy. The volume of his cry shattered the exclusive preferences of those crowding him out. He was barely mobile....

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4 H.U.G.E Questions

4 H.U.G.E Questions | Week 4

4 H.U.G.E Questions | Week 4

QUESTION #4: WHAT ARE YOUR EXPECTATIONS AND WHY? Expectations require convictions. Our challenge is to lock into a conviction long enough for it to...

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4 H.U.G.E Questions | Week 3

4 H.U.G.E Questions | Week 3

QUESTION #3: WHERE IS THE GRACE OF GOD THE STRONGEST? Grace in the Greek is defined as: God’s divine influence on the heart & its reflection in...

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4 H.U.G.E Questions | Week 2

4 H.U.G.E Questions | Week 2

QUESTION #2: WHERE IS YOUR UNDERSTANDING LIMITED? In general, we human types are finite minded. God is infinite minded. To be finite minded limits...

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Wiggle Room

Wiggle Room | Week 4

Wiggle Room | Week 4

WIGGLE ROOM AND ANGER When we think of ourselves as the least of the least, we don’t think we have anything to offerGod. That was Gideon’s story....

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Wiggle Room | Week 3

Wiggle Room | Week 3

WIGGLE ROOM AND FORGIVENESS In the Old Testament, Joseph found wiggle room beyond the pit where his brothers cast him. The Bible doesn’t give us a...

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Wiggle Room | Week 2

Wiggle Room | Week 2

WIGGLE ROOM AND CONTENTMENT The Apostle Paul writes of contentment while sitting in a damp, dark and dreary prison chained between Roman soldiers....

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Scattered Times

Scattered Times | Week 7

Scattered Times | Week 7

CONVERSATIONS IN OUR HEAD ARE GAME CHANGERS. Toughness in every moment of our life depends on how we see ourselves in that moment. Here’s the verse...

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Scattered Times | Week 6

Scattered Times | Week 6

Goliath was viewed as an obstacle to King Saul and his merry men. But to David, Goliath was viewed as the opportunity of a lifetime. David moved in...

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Scattered Times | Week 5

Scattered Times | Week 5

Opportunity generates movement or it’s just maintenance. Sometimes opportunity comes to the dance of life as an ‘ugly duckling’! The opportunity to...

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Transitions | Week 5

Transitions | Week 5

“Let His mindset become your motivation” Philippians 2:5b TD Jakes challenged readers in his book “Instincts” to: “Always connect with those who...

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Transitions | Week 4

Transitions | Week 4

“People who think us weak will offer us an excuse. People who respect us will offer us a challenge”. Eric Greitens This is one of my favourite...

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Transitions | Week 3

Transitions | Week 3

Transitions often leave us feeling “scattered” and that’s normal. The Apostle Paul often focused on transitioning believers by establishing them in...

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Instincts | Week 5

Instincts | Week 5

“Unless we put demands on ourselves to be curious, to build our capacity, to grow our potential, life becomes ordinary, mediocre and full but not...

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Instincts | Week 4

Instincts | Week 4

“Capacity is best built in areas of strength and curiosity”  TD Jakes Our uniqueness is found in our areas of strength. Curiosity brings it out. ...

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Instincts | Week 3

Instincts | Week 3

“Don’t live a life in poor rotation”  TD Jakes There are times when we should leave well enough alone. Places in our life need to be given a rest....

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Own The Moment

Own The Moment | Week 5

Own The Moment | Week 5

“At some point you gotta work with what you got” Carl Lentz At some point we have to start before we’re ready. At some point we have to start living...

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Own The Moment | Week 4

Own The Moment | Week 4

“How you see yourself matters more than how anyone else sees you”  Carl Lentz Dead end thoughts always take us backward to the ways we used to...

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Own The Moment | Week 3

Own The Moment | Week 3

“Average is the default of humanity” Carl Lentz Shift your moments into full throttled faith.  Make some new decisions. Embark more fully into...

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