On an August day in 1921 Franklin D. Roosevelt awakened with a mild sensation in his body. Ignoring it, he went sailing, helped get a brushfire under control, jogged one and one-half miles, raced his boys to the ice-cold Bay of Fundy and took a swim. Then, feeling lethargic, went to bed! 48 hours later – paralysis: limbs, thumbs, toes, back, bladder…diagnosis: polio! He would never walk again on his own.
Excerpt from Leadership in Turbulent times By Doris Kearns Goodwin
Franklin Roosevelt would become Governor of New York and President of the United States. But from that day in August 1921 and each day thereafter, he would face a tomorrow unlike all that preceded it. To do so he would have to toughen up in ways he had never imagined.
Times like Roosevelt faced and times like we face, leave us feeling a little unsteady. Moments of unsteadiness come to everyone. Tension in our lives may seem to come out of nowhere. This series of devotions targets those times. For most, the year 2020 has been one of those times.
In 2021, there may be places in our life that potentially will challenge us mentally, spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically or relationally. We may awaken to a place in life we’ve never been. What do we do in those places? Who do we call? Where do we go? What can we do to live prepared for places that unsteady us? Here’s an even better question:
What can we practice in our faith walk that will keep us steady in unsteady times?
There are three practices that I have found to be monumental in steadying my faith in unsteady times. Found throughout the Bible are truths that God’s people practiced to re-steady their faith.
These are not progressive steps. They are daily practices. Like exercises that strengthen us physically, these are exercises that strengthen us spiritually. They have strengthened seasoned followers of Jesus Christ throughout the ages.
No one starts out with them. Some learn to practice them by necessity. Others by choice. They will toughen anyone who wants to live steady in unsteady times. But they must be practiced.
Over the next several weeks “Now Matters” will focus on each one.
Homework: Meditate on Hebrews 11:1-3, 8, 13-14.
Come back next week for the details!