by Gene Brack | Jun 9, 2022 | Now Matters, Scattered Times
CONVERSATIONS IN OUR HEAD ARE GAME CHANGERS. Toughness in every moment of our life depends on how we see ourselves in that moment. Here’s the verse you may be expecting me to refer to: As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7) Here’s my bluntness you’re...
by Gene Brack | Jun 2, 2022 | Now Matters, Scattered Times
Goliath was viewed as an obstacle to King Saul and his merry men. But to David, Goliath was viewed as the opportunity of a lifetime. David moved in his bias for action. Turns out that the shepherd’s field isn’t for wimps. For David, it was in the shepherd’s field that...
by Gene Brack | May 26, 2022 | Now Matters, Scattered Times
Opportunity generates movement or it’s just maintenance. Sometimes opportunity comes to the dance of life as an ‘ugly duckling’! The opportunity to raise Lazarus from the dead seemed like an ‘ugly duckling’. ‘Should have been there sooner’, they thought. ‘Can’t do...
by Gene Brack | May 19, 2022 | Now Matters, Scattered Times
In scattered times: We have to see ourselves as the full throttled version that God sees.We have to tackle challenging opportunities with faith and expectancy. We have to navigate through scattered times and seasons without losing our true identity and faith in Jesus...
by Gene Brack | May 12, 2022 | Now Matters, Scattered Times
Remember in John 2 when Mary was trying to force Jesus’ hand to turn water into wine? Jesus wasn’t budging. He knew that if He followed her intentions that this turning water into wine miracle would lead to another and another. This one decision would be a definitive...
by Gene Brack | May 5, 2022 | Now Matters, Scattered Times
It wasn’t opportunity knocking, it was a transition rattling and handshaking its way into my life, uninvited. The invasion of that particular transition threatened everything familiar. My scattered memories of better times got left in the wake of it, fighting for...
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